I am also involved in Maranatha Yoga which is the intersection of classical Hatha Yoga practice and Christian spirituality. If you are interested in this please conact me.

When you are practising Yoga postures on the mat, lying in relaxation or sitting for meditation, often you may engage with spiritual feelings, questions or experiences. “Who am I?” “What does my life mean? ” “What is life for?” “Is there a higher power or being?” Contemporary Yoga can draw from ancient Vedic texts, Hindu scriptures, Buddhist writings and philosophies from wide ranging religious and spiritual traditions. Each teacher has their own preference for where their inspiration comes from. Each student has their own beliefs and spiritual experiences.
Discover and explore the intersection of classical Hatha Yoga and Christian Spirituality. Perhaps because you are a Christian and belong to a church. Or maybe you have lapsed from a church community but still have Christian beliefs, values or experiences of God. Or at times you are curious about what Christianity is. Or you are seeking something to give you meaning and purpose to your meditation practices but you’re not sure what yet.
Maranatha Yoga was developed by Christine Pickering and her book is available from Amazon, “Maranatha Yoga, An Illustrated Handbook”. Together with Christine and my husband, Steve Carter, we pioneer Maranatha Yoga as a Fresh Expression in the Diocese of Carlisle. As far as we know we are the only group in the UK at present bridging the gap between the world of Hatha Yoga and the world of Christian faith.